Employee Use of Company Equipment Agreement


When employees use company equipment, such as computers, smartphones, and tablets, it is important to establish clear guidelines and policies to ensure proper usage. Implementing an employee use of company equipment agreement can protect both parties from any potential legal or ethical issues.

Purpose of the Agreement:

The employee use of company equipment agreement should establish the purpose, terms, and conditions of using company equipment. It should also outline the consequences of misuse. The agreement should be signed and acknowledged by both employer and employee.

Usage Guidelines:

The agreement should clearly state the permitted usage of company equipment. For example, employees may use the equipment for work-related activities only. Personal use may be allowed to some extent but should be noted as a privilege and not a right.

Security Measures:

The agreement should address the security measures employees must follow to protect company equipment from theft or damage. It should include guidelines such as keeping equipment in a secure location when not in use and avoiding unauthorized downloads or installations.

Monitoring and Tracking:

The agreement should inform employees that their usage of company equipment may be monitored and tracked. This is to ensure that they are using the equipment responsibly, and it can also be useful for measuring productivity.

Consequences of Misuse:

The agreement should outline the consequences of any misuse of company equipment. For example, unauthorized usage can result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. Employees who intentionally damage or steal equipment may face legal action.


Establishing an employee use of company equipment agreement can protect both employer and employee from any potential legal or ethical issues. The agreement should clearly state the permitted usage of company equipment, security measures, and consequences of misuse. It is important to have employees sign and acknowledge the agreement to ensure that both parties are on the same page.